BRANDIT Portal APIv. 3.0.8

updated 2023.09.07  

version 3.0.8 (2023.09.07)

  • added addDNSZone command
  • added deleteDNSZone command

version 3.0.7 (2023.08.24)

  • added statusJob command

version 3.0.6 (2023.01.11)

  • extended listAccounts command with default NS and contact data

version 3.0.5 (2022.11.24)

  • added listTlds command
  • added detailsTld command
  • added listAccounts command
  • added listAccountUsers command

version 3.0.4 (2022.05.04)

  • listEventLogs command replaced by the improved getEventList command
  • added statusEvent command

version 3.0.3 (2022.04.29)

  • added delAllDNSSEC command

version 3.0.2 (2022.03.20)

  • added listEventLogs command

version 3.0.1 (2022.02.22)

  • added DNSSEC commands ( setDNSSEC, addDNSSEC, delDNSSEC )
BRANDIT API lets you access most of the functionalities of BRANDIT portal via POST requests. It returns a JSON string with the response to your query.
Typically 3 properties are returned: status , error and message.
  • "status" can be either "success" or "error".
  • "error" is the description of the error if any.
  • "response" is the requested data or response to your requested action.
All queries are sent to a single access point via a POST request.
Access point:
Mandatory parameters for every command are "user" and "signature". The "user" is your API username while the signature will be generated by you using your API key via the Signer class.
Also the parameter "account" is mandatory for many commands but in some cases your "main account" (also your username) will be used by default if no other (subaccount) is specified.


Example Signer PHP

Signer class for generating timestamp and signature
class Signer {

    private $api_username;
    private $api_key;

    public function __construct($api_username, $api_key) {
        $this->api_username = $api_username;
        $this->api_key = $api_key;

    public function timestamp() {
        return gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");

    public function sign($timestamp, $uri) {
        return hash_hmac('sha256', $this->api_username . $timestamp . $uri, $this->api_key);


Connection example PHP

//connection parameters
$api_username = 'your_account';
$api_key = 'your_api_key';
$url = '';

//generate siganture with Signer
$signer    = new Signer($api_username, $api_key);
$timestamp = $signer->timestamp();
$signature = $signer->sign($timestamp, $url);

//define query parameters
$params['user']      = $api_username;
$params['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
$params['signature'] = $signature;

//define command and specific parameters
$params['command']   = 'statusDomain';
$params['domain']    = "";
//use test parameter for test requests
$params['test']      = true;

//query the API
$q = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($q, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($q, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($q, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($q, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params);

$result = curl_exec($q);

//get your result


checkDomain Active
Check availability of a domain.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": "Domain name not available",
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

statusDomain Active
List various properties of a domain.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
account test
Among others this will list nameservers, creation date, renewal date, expiration date, zone, renewal mode, transfer lock, contacts, DNSSSEC and many others. In certain cases when the domain is not yet synchronized (i.e. freshly transfered) you might get a result if you specify the account of the domain.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "updatedby": [
        "billingcontact": [
        "techcontact": [
        "createdby": [
        "zone": [
        "x-domain-roid": [
        "transfermode": [
        "registrationexpirationdate": [
            "2023-01-01 22:59:59.0"
        "updateddate": [
            "2022-01-23 09:12:08.0"
        "paiduntildate": [
            "2023-01-01 22:59:59.0"
        "ownercontact": [
        "renewaldate": [
            "2023-01-01 22:59:59.0"
        "domainidn": [
        "createddate": [
            "2015-01-15 14:42:42.0"
        "roid": [
        "auth": [
        "nameserver": [
        "transferlock": [
        "registrar": [
        "status": [
        "domain": [
        "renewalmode": [
        "admincontact": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

listDomains Active
Returns a list of the domains held by the main account or the specified account.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
account first limit order type test
For more granular control you can use the "type" parameter with values DEFAULT, SHOWMERGEDLAYER or SHOWSUBLAYER
DEFAULT returns only the domains of the main account or the account specified in the "account" parameter
SHOWMERGEDLAYER will return all the domains under the main account and all subaccounts without the need to specify an account
SHOWSUBLAYER will return only the domains of subaccounts without the need to specify the account parameter.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "total": 8,
        "count": 8,
        "first": 0,
        "last": 7,
        "limit": 100,
        "domains": [
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2021-09-01 14:10:16",
                "expiration_date": "2022-09-01 14:10:16",
                "renewal_date": "2022-10-06 14:10:16",
                "renewal_mode": "DEFAULT",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2012-05-03 09:01:36",
                "expiration_date": "2022-05-03 09:01:36",
                "renewal_date": "2022-06-07 09:01:36",
                "renewal_mode": "DEFAULT",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2012-01-17 14:42:42",
                "expiration_date": "2023-01-31 22:59:59",
                "renewal_date": "2023-01-30 22:59:59",
                "renewal_mode": "DEFAULT",
                "subaccount": "sub_account1"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2012-05-03 08:57:44",
                "expiration_date": "2022-05-03 08:57:44",
                "renewal_date": "2022-06-07 08:57:44",
                "renewal_mode": "DEFAULT",
                "subaccount": "sub_account2"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2019-12-09 14:08:03",
                "expiration_date": "2022-12-09 14:08:03",
                "renewal_date": "2023-01-13 14:08:03",
                "renewal_mode": "DEFAULT",
                "subaccount": "sub_account2"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2019-12-09 14:07:34",
                "expiration_date": "2022-12-09 14:07:34",
                "renewal_date": "2023-01-13 14:07:34",
                "renewal_mode": "AUTORENEW",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "domain7",
                "register_date": "2022-02-10 14:14:08",
                "expiration_date": "2023-02-10 14:14:08",
                "renewal_date": "2023-03-17 14:14:08",
                "renewal_mode": "AUTOEXPIRE",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "domainidn": "",
                "register_date": "2022-02-10 14:14:10",
                "expiration_date": "2023-02-10 14:14:10",
                "renewal_date": "2023-03-17 14:14:10",
                "renewal_mode": "AUTOEXPIRE",
                "subaccount": "sub_account3"
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

listManualDomains Active
Returns a list of the manually added domains held by the specified account.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "status": "success",
        "account": "main_account",
        "count": 4,
        "domains": [
                "domain": "",
                "register_date": "2019-02-01 00:00:00",
                "expiration_date": "2022-02-28 00:00:00",
                "renewal_mode": "Default",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "register_date": "2021-09-24 00:00:00",
                "expiration_date": "2022-09-24 00:00:00",
                "renewal_mode": "Default",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "register_date": "2021-10-18 00:00:00",
                "expiration_date": "2022-10-18 00:00:00",
                "renewal_mode": "Autoexpire",
                "subaccount": "main_account"
                "domain": "",
                "register_date": "2021-10-19 00:00:00",
                "expiration_date": "2022-10-19 00:00:00",
                "renewal_mode": "Autoexpire",
                "subaccount": "main_account"

addDomain Active
Register a new domain. Optional parameters depend on the TLD.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
ownercontact admincontact billingcontact techcontact nameserver1 nameserver2 nameserver3 nameserver4 period extra parameters test
Extra paremeters that might be required for a certain TLD are simply appended as any other parameter. For example for .de domains "X-DE-ACCEPT-TRUSTEE-TAC"
Default period is 1 (year) but some TLDs accept other values.

transferDomain Active
Transfer a domain to Brandit.
mandatory parameters:
account domain authcode
optional parameters:

listContacts Active
Returns the list of contact handles for the given account.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
first limit order contact test
Use first and limit parameters in case there are more contacts than what can be displayed at once. Default limit is 100 but you can set up to 1000.
order possible values are ASC and DESC
If you specify a handle in contact you can fetch the data of that single contact.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "contactmiddlename": [
        "contactlastname": [
        "createdby": [
        "contactorganization": [
            "The Company"
        "contactcountry": [
        "first": [
        "roid": [
        "count": [
        "contactcity": [
        "last": [
        "updateddate": [
            "2019-10-10 14:24:27"
        "contactzip": [
        "contactfax": [
        "contactstate": [
        "contactemail": [
        "updatedby": [
        "validated": [
        "contactfirstname": [
        "contact": [
        "limit": [
        "column": [
            "contact title",
            "contact firstname",
            "contact middlename",
            "contact lastname",
            "contact organization",
            "contact street",
            "contact city",
            "contact state",
            "contact zip",
            "contact country",
            "contact phone",
            "contact fax",
            "contact email",
            "created date",
            "created by",
            "updated date",
            "updated by",
            "deletion date"
        "deletiondate": [
        "contactstreet": [
            "Bellerivestrasse 49"
        "contacttitle": [
        "verified": [
        "createddate": [
            "2016-10-10 14:24:27"
        "total": [
        "status": [
        "contactphone": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

addContact Active
Adds a new contact under the specified account.
mandatory parameters:
account firstname lastname organization street city country phone zip email
optional parameters:

deleteContact Active
Delete the specified contact.
mandatory parameters:
account contact
optional parameters:

listMailFwd Active
List mail forward records of given dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "total": [
        "dnszone": [
        "from": [
        "to0": [
        "last": [
        "count": [
        "to": [
        "first": [
        "limit": [
        "column": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

addMailFwd Active
Create new mail forward record.
mandatory parameters:
account from to
optional parameters:

deleteMailFwd Active
Delete a mail forward record.
mandatory parameters:
account from
optional parameters:

listWebFwd Active
List web forwards of given dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:

addWebFwd Active
Add a new web forward.
mandatory parameters:
account from to
optional parameters:

deleteWebFwd Active
Delete a web forward.
mandatory parameters:
account from
optional parameters:

listDNSRR Active
List resource records of given dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:
test first limit
By default the first parameter is 0 and limit is 1000. Use 1000 and 1000 as values to fetch the next thousand entries.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "limit": [
        "column": [
        "count": [
        "first": [
        "total": [
        "rr": [
            "@ 600 IN MX 10",
            "@ 600 IN MX 10",
            "@ 28800 IN TXT v=spf1 -all",
            "abc 600 IN AAAA 2a00:18e0:5:2:7577:4e4d:413b:f507",
            "www 28800 IN A",
            "subdomain 28800 IN CNAME"
        "last": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

addDNSRR Active
Add resource record to given dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone key rrdata
optional parameters:
key parameter is in continuation of the ones you get with listDNSRR in the "rr" column.
For example if you have 2 RRs in listDNSR (0 and 1) then use key "2" when adding a third one.
rrdata is a string composed of the resource record bits "subdomain", "ttl", IN, "type", "value" separated by a single space.
Example: @ 28800 IN NS where type is the kind of record you want to add: A, NS, MX, CNAME, TEXT etc.

deleteDNSRR Active
Delete resource record from given dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone key rrdata
optional parameters:
When deleting a RR you must use the key and rrdata you get with listDNSRR in the rr column.

getDNSZone Active
Returns DNS Zone of the specified domain.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:

exportDNSZone Active
Similar to listDNSRR it lists all the resource records for the specified DNSZone but also the SOA record if it is set. It is the equivalent of "export DNS zone files" from the portal.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:

addDNSZone Active
Create a dnszone and add resource records.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:
rr0 rr1 rr2 rr3 rr4
You can add up to 5 resource records.
rr value is a string in the typical rr format as described under addDNSRR. You can use addDNSRR and deleteDNSRR to manipulate records after zone creation.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "zonetype": [
        "signed": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

deleteDNSZone Active
Delete a dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
account dnszone
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": "Command completed successfully",
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

listDNSLogs Active
Returns a list of the DNS logs saved for the specified dnszone.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:

getEventList Active
Returns events of an account.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
first limit order mindate maxdate object
Default order is DESC, default limit is 1000 if those parameters are omitted. Use object to narrow search to a specific domain or contact. Search in a timeframe using mindate and maxdate.

statusEvent Active
Returns current status for the specified event ID (acquired via getEventList).
mandatory parameters:
account event
optional parameters:

statusJob Active
Get the status of a job.
mandatory parameters:
account jobid
optional parameters:
Some non-realtime commands return a jobId in the response. You can use this to verify the status of the job using the jobId value.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "executedate": [
            "2023-08-08 11:48:10"
        "registrar": [
        "command": [
        "objectid": [
        "jobid": [
        "objectclass": [
        "cltrid": [
        "statuscode": [
        "svtrid": [
        "operationtype": [
        "statusdescription": [
            "Job Complete - Success - 200 Command completed successfully"
        "createddate": [
            "2023-08-08 11:46:15"
        "runtime": [
        "roid": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

setNS Active
Set nameserver entries of a domain. It deletes all previous entries and adds the new ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
nameserver0 nameserver1 nameserver2 nameserver3 nameserver4 nameserver5 nameserver6 nameserver7 test
Nameservers must be specified in the nameserver0 format ranging from 0 to 7.
Note that your current nameservers can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

addNS Active
Add nameserver entries to a domain. It ads new entries without deleteing old ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
nameserver0 nameserver1 nameserver2 nameserver3 nameserver4 nameserver5 nameserver6 nameserver7 test
Nameservers must be specified in the nameserver0 format ranging from 0 to 7. Use one that isn't already filled.
Note that your current nameservers can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

delNS Active
Remove specific nameserver entries from a domain.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
nameserver0 nameserver1 nameserver2 nameserver3 nameserver4 nameserver5 nameserver6 nameserver7 test
Nameservers must be specified in the nameserver0 format ranging from 0 to 7.
Note that your current nameservers can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

setNSManual Active
Set nameserver entries of a manual domain. All previous entries will be deleted and replaced with the new ones. Keep in mind that this is not instant, a request will be submitted and it will be handled as soon as possible.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
nameserver0 nameserver1 nameserver2 nameserver3 nameserver4 nameserver5 nameserver6 nameserver7
Nameservers must be specified in the nameserver0 format ranging from 0 to 7.

setDNSSEC Active
Set DNSSEC entries of a domain. It deletes all previous entries and adds the new ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
dnssec0 dnssec1 dnssec2 dnssec3 dnssec4 dnssec5 dnssec6 dnssec7 test
DNSSEC must be specified in the dnssec0 format ranging from 0 to 7.
Note that your current DNSSEC can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "jobid": [
        "status": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

addDNSSEC Active
Add DNSSEC entries to a domain. It ads new entries without deleteing old ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
dnssec0 dnssec1 dnssec2 dnssec3 dnssec4 dnssec5 dnssec6 dnssec7 test
DNSSEC must be specified in the dnssec0 format ranging from 0 to 7. Use one that isn't already filled.
Note that your current DNSSEC can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

delDNSSEC Active
Remove specific DNSSEC entries from a domain.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
dnssec0 dnssec1 dnssec2 dnssec3 dnssec4 dnssec5 dnssec6 dnssec7 test
DNSSEC must be specified in the dnssec0 format ranging from 0 to 7.
Note that your current DNSSEC can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

delAllDNSSEC Active
Delete all DNSSEC entries of a domain.
mandatory parameters:
account domain
optional parameters:
Note that your current DNSSEC can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

Set DNSSECDSDATA entries of a domain. It deletes previous entries and adds the new ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain dnssecdsdata0
optional parameters:
Note that your current DNSSECDSDATA can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "jobid": [
        "status": [
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": ""

Add DNSSECDSDATA entries to a domain. It ads new entries without deleteing old ones.
mandatory parameters:
account domain dnssecdsdata0
optional parameters:
Note that your current DNSSECDSDATA can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

Remove specific DNSSECDSDATA entries from a domain.
mandatory parameters:
account domain dnssecdsdata0
optional parameters:
Note that your current DNSSECDSDATA can be seen in the results of the statusDomain command.

listAccounts Active
Returns a list of all subaccounts or only the ones under the specified account. It also lists some properties of the accounts like name, alias, number of domains, default nameservers and default contacts.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "total_domains_managed": 10,
        "total_domains_external": 2,
        "total_domains": 12,
        "accounts": {
            "2222": {
                "id": 2222,
                "parent_id": 321,
                "name": "your_account",
                "alias": "Your Company",
                "defaultNS1": "",
                "defaultNS2": "",
                "defaultNS3": "",
                "defaultcontact_admin": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_owner": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_tech": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_billing": "DC12345",
                "domains_managed": 6,
                "domains_external": 1,
                "domains_total": 7
            "2223": {
                "id": 2223,
                "parent_id": 2222,
                "name": "your_subaccount",
                "alias": "Subaccount",
                "defaultNS1": "",
                "defaultNS2": "",
                "defaultNS3": "",
                "defaultcontact_admin": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_owner": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_tech": "DC12345",
                "defaultcontact_billing": "DC12345",
                "domains_managed": 4,
                "domains_external": 1,
                "domains_total": 5
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "account": "your_account",
    "count": 2

listAccountUsers Active
Returns a list of all users or only the ones under the specified account. Additionaly it lists user data like acces type, 2fa status, last login and creation date.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "yourco": {
            "351": {
                "id": 351,
                "username": "",
                "access": "full access",
                "2fa": 1,
                "fullname": "John Doe",
                "account": "yourco",
                "last_login": "2022-10-21 10:30:06",
                "created_at": "2022-01-01 00:00:00"
            "444": {
                "id": 444,
                "username": "",
                "access": "read only access",
                "2fa": 1,
                "fullname": "Jane Doe",
                "account": "yourco",
                "last_login": "2022-11-11 16:57:21",
                "created_at": "2022-01-11 00:00:00"
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "account": "yourco",
    "count": 2

listTlds Active
Returns a list of all supported TLDs and some of their properties.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "": {
            "supports": {
                "ipv6": 1,
                "dnssec": 1,
                "trustee": 0,
                "whoisprivacy": 1,
                "idn": 1
            "properties": {
                "category": [
                    "2nd level"
                "features": {
                    "Handle updates": 1,
                    "Renewal on Transfer": 1,
                    "Transfer locks possible": 1,
                    "Preconfigured DNS": 0
                "localrequirements": [
                    "Owner contact not required",
                    "Admin contact not required",
                    "Tech contact not required",
                    "Billing contact not required"
                "responsetimes": {
                    "WHOIS Update Time:": "real-time"
        "": {
            "supports": {
                "ipv6": 1,
                "dnssec": 1,
                "trustee": 1,
                "whoisprivacy": 0,
                "idn": 1
            "properties": {
                "category": [
                    "2nd level"
                "features": {
                    "Handle updates": 0,
                    "Renewal on Transfer": 0,
                    "Transfer locks possible": 0,
                    "Preconfigured DNS": 1
                "localrequirements": [
                    "Owner contact not required",
                    "Admin contact not required",
                    "Tech contact not required",
                    "Billing contact not required"
                "responsetimes": {
                    "Registration Time:": "up to 3 working days"
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": "",
    "count": 1242

detailsTld Active
Returns all properties of specified TLD.
mandatory parameters:
optional parameters:
sample response: toggle code
    "response": {
        "Zone": "ch",
        "zone info": ".CH is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Switzerland.",
        "registration time working days": 0,
        "registration periods": "1y",
        "renewal periods": "n\/a",
        "minimum length": 3,
        "maximum length": 63,
        "ipv6": 1,
        "dnssec": 1,
        "trustee": 0,
        "idn": 1,
        "whoisprivacy": 0,
        "transfer locks possible": 0,
        "renewal on transfer": 0,
        "transfer time days": "",
        "authcode minimum": 6,
        "authcode maximum": 16,
        "handles updateable": 1,
        "preconfigured DNS": 0,
        "nameservers minimum": 1,
        "nameservers maximum": 13,
        "autorenew grace period days": 0,
        "deletion timeframe days": -1,
        "redemption period days": 0,
        "web WHOIS": "",
        "registry": "http:\/\/\/",
        "terms and conditions": "https:\/\/\/reg\/cm\/wcm-resource\/download\/terms\/SWITCH_AGB_en.pdf",
        "dispute policy": "http:\/\/\/id\/terms\/"
    "code": 200,
    "status": "success",
    "error": "",
    "count": 28